one old woman
For those of you who read my myspace blog entitled 3 old guys, here is some of the same.
Yesterday, Wednesday November 30th 2006 I went to serve at my temple shift, just as I do on all Wednesdays. 4:30 in the morning comes quick, especially when you stay up until 12:30 in the morning so you can dance the night away.
Two weeks ago "sandy" and his wife (Bro. and Sis. Sandholtz) returned to the Oakland, California temple after serving a 6 month temple mission in Nauvoo. Everyone was excited for their return, because they are some of the sweetest folks you will ever meet.
Yesterday marked the first time that I was able to talk to Sis. Sandholtz since they returned, because of scheduling and what not.
"How are you?" she asked.
"How's life?"
"The same as it ever was. My car died."
"I'm so sorry, we depend so much on our cars."
"Yeah, they are some of those necessary evils in life."
"Do you dislike getting set up on blind dates and things of that sort. Sometimes I just think, Boy! Isn't he the nicest young man. I understand if you don't like it. Sandy was a little older, like youself when he met me. Oh he didn't like getting set up!"
Man she was smooth, changing the subject as quickly as she did.
"Yeah, I don't like it. I think in some cases they are a necessary evil though." At this point I would have you know that unlike the last experience with the 3 old guys, at this point I couldn't help but smile. Not because the topic of conversation was so humorous, but because Sis. Sandholtz was so darn cute! I wanted to forget the blind date, give her a hug and tell her she needed to bake me some cookies...well I settled for the hug either way, not quite sure how we were interrupted so that the conversation could continue. After I left though the thought came to me... "Is she planning on setting me up, or isn't she?"
Find out soon in an upcoming issue of
Another one of Wyatt's not quite married episodes; will continue....
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