Tuesday, April 29, 2008


it has been a week or two. so here i am, feeling the need to write.

the notes dripped from the electric guitar, not quite coinciding with the sweat dripping from my face. heat raced through my veins as my legs moved faster, outstripping the slow paced drums. i focused more intently on the music, trying to grasp each note, but somehow the slow dripping music slipped through my fingers, much like water would if i tried to grasp it.
my heart raced faster, and it always seems like controlling my breathing was like fighting, or riding a whirlwind.

the movement seemed endless. the music wasn't. somehow, there seem to be moments with music that i try and trap inside me, much like i would a firefly, or some other insect in a jar. i seem to want to keep those moments forever...and no matter how much pressing the back button, or maybe using repeat can replay the song, i find myself scratching and clawing, wishing that moment would be trapped in my heart forever.

like watching a firefly, i can see the light of that moment fade, as it flies away...with me standing there staring in awe...time and time again. it's almost like standing on a beach, and the waves crashing in are moving away from me, and i can no longer hear, see, or feel them.

the music energized and replenished me, as much as water, the mineral of life ever would. water for my soul it was and is (the music that is). different from last night, when the music i heard was the whizzing of wheels, and the thrust of the stairmaster. last night, most of all, the music was my heart...combined with my breath, playing it's strange music to let me know i lived.
tonight...tonight however, i somehow knew i was more than alive...tonight...i knew i was eternal...my light shining more brightly than the firefly...and being eternal...i knew i never wanted to be caged in a jar...wholes poked in the lid for me to breathe... the lessons learned and relearned-live!

it has been a few days...but ame's comment about how i should be a poet still haunts me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

anything can happen.

it is time for me to blog again. i am feeling the need and the urge...no not that urge for those of you with dirty minds. the urge to type. free associate. brainstorm. paste writing; "words that stay" onto a virtual page. especially in a format that pleases me, most specifically, without capital letters...

the front door is cracked, the barest hint of a breeze is trickling through, while the sun is fighting against the horizon of this particular day. it is the second day of the kind of weather people have been wishing for for months. warm...perfectly warm...hinting that the summer might be hot, "africa hot!"

i am casting out of my brain the fact that there is a concert i would really like to see tonight, and seeing as how i am broke, and have no sugar mama to take me, i will find other things i care about to do. i console myself in the fact that i have seen two of the three bands who are performing tonight.

really though, i am blogging for one reason, and one reason only. i like to write. i find it fascinating. i have always tried to write something for fun, but with school and finals and things, i haven't been able to keep up. thus my return to y it's tombstone.

somehow, the warm weather, spring and summer knocking on the door, and 2112 blaring in the background makes everything in the world right as i am typing. the only thing better would be...well i could probably think of 2112 something betters, but that isn't what this blog is about. this blog is about, well nothing...and i like it that way. to quote the band that i am listening to at the moment (and that band was actually quoting someone else) "the point of the journey is not to arrive: anything can happen."

anything can happen. isn't that one of the beautiful things about the world? this isn't going to end up being a rehashed, retreaded banter about the beauty of cliched statements, like "life is a journey." this is going to be a banter about things that are right with the world, because in our world today, most people our focusing on the negative. so here it is, a few things that make the world beautiful.

music...let me quote rush again "listen to my music, and hear what it can do, i know that it will reach you." god's beautiful earth, fall time, spring time, summer time, and definitely winters without or little snow. long walks, feeling great after a good workout...dances that are for lack of a better term-orgasmic (i know you dancers out there will know what i'm sayin) enchilada's, an ice cold glass of milk, looking at the stars and the night sky, a cool pair of shoes that you have to tape, super glue and repair for six months straight until your toe is poking out at work and a coworker forces you to finally go with her to buy a new pair, concerts, long drives, time to ponder, the ocean, waterfalls, hot chocolate, halloween-so much more than christmas...although christmas is cool too, a cool conversation where everyone is laughing for hours, the emotion captured and created by good art, cool people you don't even know saying hi, friends helping friends, a great book by low light with blankets or a fire, a great movie, good movie house popcorn which is sadly-extinct, caves, little debbie snack cakes, gospel doctrine, dr. suess...especially the sneetches, more laughing, being with cool people, good sports...especially your team winning, appreciating the talents others have-cause there are tons of people out there who can do fascinating things that you won't ever be able to do, a good debate-as long as people are respectful to each other, a cool glass of water, garlic fries at a giants game, reading quotes about alan moore that are like this "he is a vegetarian, magician and occultist, and worships a roman snake deity named Glycon" which probably describes every star wars, lord of the ring, comic book, sci-fi channel, trenchcoat wearing, drama geek loving socially defunct nerd you have ever met. i love it!

anything can happen: you might not have thought much happened in this blog...but i know that something did happen. i remembered to tell somebody else that i love life. i think about how happy i am all the time, but sometimes i forget to tell others...so hopefully you guys to might remember that there are things right with the world, and be happy...and if not...at least remember this: anything can happen.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Resolve, The Gym and Random Thoughts.

So, after over a year of not posting a blog, I have decided to return to the wonderful world of blogging. Somehow in my head, I hear the words of the Monarch ringing over and over again, "I've been Blogging!"
(for those of you-with the exception of klobas- who don't know who the Monarch is, shame on you!)

Now onto stuff that people really want to read about, like farting at the gym. For those of you who don't go to the gym, let me give this to you as a basic rule; don't fart at the gym...ever. Let me give you a breakdown as to why.
1: People will know who it is. They just saw you in the general vicinity of where the stench is drifting, and if you are working out with a partner, your partner will know it wasn't him...who's left?
2: The gym is nasty enough as it is. I know that it is supposed to be a place to go get healthy, but really we are going to some room so that we can use equipment that other people just sweat all over. Included in all that sweat and germs from random hands are whatever cold, or disease infestation that has already began growing on the equipment from people who didn't have the courtesy to wipe down said equipment after they have used it. Besides all that nastiness, you just know that 15% of the gym population is there to pick up on, or hook up with some other soul. I thought the deodorant commercial was pretty good "never let em see you sweat." Apparently many at the gym think otherwise, and thus it is a good place to hit on someone, and that my friends- is nasty.
3: If people don't know who farted, well then, I don't want to know. Come on, I don't want to think that a girl just farted. I mean, I have my girlfriends who I think are cool cause they fart in front of anyone...then there are those girls that don't. I am cool with my friends either way. The fact of the matter is though, I don't want to think that a girl might have farted unless I already know what her personality is like. I just might be weird like that.
Having said all of this, I am noticing the time...it is time to go to the gym. I will say that if I need to fart, I will hold it, at least until I am in the 6 foot locker room where I will clear it with ease...
A few last thoughts about random things. I will try and write in here a bit more often. I wonder if anyone remembers anyone's phone number anymore (other than their own.) Listen to me on the radio, or internet if you get the chance. I still love enchilada's, and I still rip the cheese off of pizza and just eat that....have a great night everyone.