Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Resolve, The Gym and Random Thoughts.

So, after over a year of not posting a blog, I have decided to return to the wonderful world of blogging. Somehow in my head, I hear the words of the Monarch ringing over and over again, "I've been Blogging!"
(for those of you-with the exception of klobas- who don't know who the Monarch is, shame on you!)

Now onto stuff that people really want to read about, like farting at the gym. For those of you who don't go to the gym, let me give this to you as a basic rule; don't fart at the gym...ever. Let me give you a breakdown as to why.
1: People will know who it is. They just saw you in the general vicinity of where the stench is drifting, and if you are working out with a partner, your partner will know it wasn't him...who's left?
2: The gym is nasty enough as it is. I know that it is supposed to be a place to go get healthy, but really we are going to some room so that we can use equipment that other people just sweat all over. Included in all that sweat and germs from random hands are whatever cold, or disease infestation that has already began growing on the equipment from people who didn't have the courtesy to wipe down said equipment after they have used it. Besides all that nastiness, you just know that 15% of the gym population is there to pick up on, or hook up with some other soul. I thought the deodorant commercial was pretty good "never let em see you sweat." Apparently many at the gym think otherwise, and thus it is a good place to hit on someone, and that my friends- is nasty.
3: If people don't know who farted, well then, I don't want to know. Come on, I don't want to think that a girl just farted. I mean, I have my girlfriends who I think are cool cause they fart in front of anyone...then there are those girls that don't. I am cool with my friends either way. The fact of the matter is though, I don't want to think that a girl might have farted unless I already know what her personality is like. I just might be weird like that.
Having said all of this, I am noticing the is time to go to the gym. I will say that if I need to fart, I will hold it, at least until I am in the 6 foot locker room where I will clear it with ease...
A few last thoughts about random things. I will try and write in here a bit more often. I wonder if anyone remembers anyone's phone number anymore (other than their own.) Listen to me on the radio, or internet if you get the chance. I still love enchilada's, and I still rip the cheese off of pizza and just eat that....have a great night everyone.


At April 10, 2008 at 8:48:00 PM PDT , Blogger Berlyn said...

Too much information.

At April 11, 2008 at 10:41:00 PM PDT , Blogger Klobas said...



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