Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pizza Delivery Crush

I have discovered recently that I have a pizza delivery crush. It is my first one ever. Hard to believe that in six years of delivering pizza, this is the first girl I have had a crush on, isn't it? Well, it is.

At work I find myself hoping that this girl that lives at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ st. will call and order a pizza. I know what some of you were thinking. You were hoping that I would leave an address. Well, I am not a stalker and I won't support some of Y'all's bad habits...

When the time comes that she does order a pizza, I find myself trying to finagle a way to deliver the pizza. I usually get my way. Unless Jessica is being a punk (which is a whole other blog in and of itself.)

Everytime I have been to this girl's house I have had a pleasant experience. She is cute, and her noticeable scar makes her even more so. Also she has a nice figure, which never detracts from the cuteness. To top it all off, she is always very kind and pleasant, and it seems like we could converse for days.

It usually only lasts about a minute and half though. The conversation that is. We have had minute and a half conversations about postman vs. pizza guys popularity with dogs, cars, and i can't really remember what else; it was hard enough for me to make sure she knew I was looking in her eyes while we talked instead of me checking her out!

This is where my unrequited love really begins. I have an ethical problem with picking up on girls while I am at work. So I don't do it. Ever. I don't think that rule will change. So, alas. My pizza delivery crush will probably remaing just that, a pizza delivery crush.

So this is me, still crushing....



At November 30, 2006 at 12:55:00 AM PST , Blogger Ben and Krystal said...

Wyatt- if this girl is worthy of an exception to your rule, then I say go for it. Life is too short to not at least try and then wonder for the rest of your life, "What if?"


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