Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer Time!

School is out for Summer! The Alice Cooper tune has been ringing in my head for the last two days. This week marks the first week of Summer break. I know, I know, I will be taking summer classes this summer, but it doesn't mean that I am going to forget what it means to enjoy my summer. I will stay up late, watch some flicks, play basketball, enjoy the outdoors and whatever other summer activities come my way.

Anyone else excited? I don't care if you are a student or not, are you looking forward to the daytime being longer, warmer weather and the opportunity to spit watermelon seeds at a picnic? Well, you might be looking forward to something other than watermelon seeds, but as long as it is a traditional summertime experience, I am down with that! Just be excited! If you are old... be excited, cause I know that young people are excited as well...

I wish I had more time to write about summer, but its just about to be 6:45 and I have to go prepare for Webertainment Weekly, one of my radio shows on KWCR 88.1 Weber Fm that brings entertainment news to your household. You can also stream online at Weberfm.org. We will be broadcasting all year folk..Tuesdays from 7-8 and Wednesdays you can hear Blues In Orbit from 7-10. I will be there as well...in the meantime...go get yourself a slurpee and enjoy the summer magic!